xeV, d'(f(a\f(x)}<*l2 and d'(s(^\9(x))<^ Then for *eV,
f(x)^g(x), otherwise we would have d'(f(a\g(a))<& by the triangle

(3.15.2) ("Principle of extension of identities") Let f, g be two contin-
uous mappings of a metric space E into a metric space
E'; iff(x)-g(x)
for all points xofa dense subset A in
E, thenf-g.

For the set of points x where f(x)=g(x) is closed by (3.15.1) and
contains A.

(3.15.3) Let f9 g be two continuous mappings of a metric space E into the
extended real line
E. The set P of the points xeE such that f(x) ^g(x) is
closed in

We prove again E - P is open. Suppose/(a) > g(a), and let P e E be such
that/(a) > jff > g(a) (cf. (2.2.16) and the definition of I in Section 3.3). The
inverse image V by/of the open interval ]/?, + oo] is a neighborhood of a by
(3.11.1); so is the inverse image W by g of the open interval [-00, /?[. Hence
V n W is a neighborhood of a by (3.6.3), and for x e V n W,/(;c) > )8 > g(x).

(3.15.4) (" Principle of extension of inequalities ") Let f, g be two contin-
uous mappings of a metric space E into the extended real line
E; iff(x) ^ g(x)
for all points x of a dense subset
A ofE, thenf(x) < g(x)for all x e E.

The proof follows from (3.15.3) as (3.15.2) from (3.15.1).
(3.15.5) Let A be a dense subset of a metric space E, and fa mapping of A
into a metric space E'. In order that there exist a continuous mapping f of
E into
E', coinciding with fin A, a necessary and sufficient condition is that,
for any x e
E, the limit lim f(y) exist in E1; the continuous mapping J is
then unique.
)>-+*, ye A
As any x e E belongs to A, we must have/(#) = lim J(y) by (3.13,5),
hence f(x) = lim f(y)\ this shows the necessity of the condition and the

fact that if the continuous mapping / exists, it is unique (this follows also